Fast track your Career towards success with GoDaddy Certified Programme

Propel your career forward with GoDaddy Academy. An online training and certification program co-created with industry experts to shape your career as a Certified Digital Marketing Professional.

Digital Marketing Course
200+ Videos | Unlimited Access

Certified Digital Marketing Professional

Master the art of digital marketing to help your business stay competitive and grow online.


Learn From Industry Experts

High Quality, job relevant online programs designed by GoDaddy in consultation with the industry experts

Pratice What you learn

Excellent mix of 'Technical' & 'Business' curicullum to make learner a complete professional by course end.

Live Project and Assesment

Practice while you learn with live projects and assignments.

Easy Access to GoDaddy Support & Services

Get Listed in the Directory of GoDaddy. A plateform created for industry proffesionals  to recruite and outsourse.

Certification by GoDaddy Academy

Learners to be awarded Certificate from 'GoDaddy' - the Industry leaders in Tech

Exellent Placement Support

Placement Support, Best-in-class curriculum and host of inclusive website learning all at one place.


Digital Marketing Overview
  • Overview of Digital Marketing as an Industry
  • Categories of Online Marketing
Content developement
  • Basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content Planning (Writing Skills)
  • Content Writing (Development)
Graphic Designing
  • Basics of Adobe illustrator
  • Basics of Adobe photoshop
Web Designing
  • Online themes, plugins and Widgets
  • WordPress Templates
Design Optimization
  • ntroduction
  • Visual and Aesthetics
  • Content Optimization
  • Compatibility
  • Usability
  • Backend Optimization
  • Speed Optimization
  • Creating Responsive apps & websites
WordPress Developement & Management
  • Creating posts and pages
  • Formatting text
  • Publishing and scheduling posts
  • Adding images, audio, and video
  • Bulk editing posts and pages
  • Customizing themes and menus
  • Using widgets
  • Extending WordPress with plugins
  • Editing user profiles
  • Configuring settings
  • Getting new readers
  • Keeping WordPress up to date and secure
  • Managed Word Press
Website Optimization
  • Understanding website optimization
  • Understanding how browsers render content
  • Measuring performance
  • Optimizing images
  • Optimizing code
  • Minifying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Compressing data with GZIP
  • Optimizing file caching & Leveraging CDNs
Social Media Marketing
  • Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing
  • Nature of each Social Media Platform and audience characteristics
  • Resources and efforts needed by a company
  • When should you outsource
  • How to measure Social Media Marketing ROI
  • Social Media marketing tools
  • Campaign Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Social Media Marketing Execution Strategy
  • Social Media Marketing Execution needs
Facebook Marketing
  • Difference between organic and paid marketing
  • Facebook page creation
  • Setting up the brand page based on business
  • Facebook Post
  • Best practices of Posting
  • Setting auto responses in Inbox section
  • Chat bot integration in Facebook messenger
Instagram Marketing
  • Introduction to Instagram
  • Difference between personal & professional account.
  • Business Account setup.
  • Best practices of organic Instagram promotions
  • Check the insights.
  • Post promotion on Instagram
  • Case study
LinkedIn Marketing
  • Introduction to LinkedIn
  • Difference between paid and organic promotions
  • Company page creation
  • Post on LinkedIn
  • Best practices
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator
Influencer Marketing
  • Introduction to Influencer Marketing
  • Case Study
  • Best Practices
  • Business benefit from influencers
  • Best platforms for starting influencer marketing
  • Introduction to Blogging
  • Choosing blogging platform
  • as a blogging platform - its pros and cons
  • Setting up account and buying of domain
  • Creation of WordPress Post
  • 5 Step plan to succeed in blogging
  • Role of analytics in blogging
  • analytics
  • Self hosted WordPress Blog on your domain
  • Benefits of self hosted WordPress blog
  • Google Analytics
  • Blogging best practices
Google AdSense
  • Blog monetization
  • Explaining Google Adsense
  • Setting up Google Adsense account and integration with the website
  • Best practices for maximum returns
Affliate Marketing
  • Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
  • Benefits of Affiliate Marketing
  • Amazon Affiliate Program
  • Amazon Affiliate Program Account setup and integration with the site
  • Various types of Affiliate Programs
  • Choosing right Affiliate Network
  • Introduction to affiliate marketer Journey
  • Affiliate marketing monetization
  • Role of social media marketing in affiliate marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing Program creation
e-Commerse Marketing
  • Introduction to eCommerce Marketing
  • Platforms to develop eCommerce Site
  • 7 steps to start an eCommerce site.
  • Introduction to Shopify
  • Setting up a Shopify account
  • Adding products to Shopify & create categories
  • Setting up themes to the Shopify account
  • Shopify Payment Gateway Integration
  • eCommerce best practices
  • Introduction to WooCommerce
  • Adding products on WooCommerce & create categories
  • Setting up theme to the WooCommerce account & create homepage
  • eCommerce Analytics
  • Marketing Automation using Zapier
Facebook Ads
  • Types of campaign
  • Campaign planning
  • Creating Facebook Ad campaign
  • Remarketing campaigns on Facebook
  • Facebook Ad and different campaigns
  • Choosing correct marketing objective for a campaign
  • Traffic campaign on Facebook
  • Leads campaign on Facebook
  • Conversion campaign on Facebook
  • FB pixel
  • Remarketing Campaigns
  • Case study
Google Ads
  • Basics of Google Ads
  • Optimizing the Ads Account
LinkedIn Ads
  • LinkedIn Ad Account
  • Types of LinkedIn Campaign
  • LinkedIn ad traffic campaign
  • LinkedIn lead ads campaign
  • LinkedIn website conversion campaign
  • Campaign performance
  • Case study discussion
Google Analytics
  • Google Analytics & its Application
Sales, Support & Outreach Techniques
  • Website types & terminologies
  • The Art of Pitching
  • Product Positioning
  • Pricing Models
  • Negotiation techniques
  • Structuring Sales proposals
  • Customer Service Concepts
  • Managing Customer
  • Automate Routine Tasks
Email Marketing
  • Setting up email campaigns
  • Email marketing using GoDaddy
Expert Digital Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Advance concepts
  • Integrated Campaign Thinking and Planning
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Monetizing the inventory
  • Google chrome extensions
Project Work
For details on Course & Enrolment

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