G Suite Enterprise for Education

G Suite Enterprise for Education

Everything in G Suite for Education, plus premium features and enhancements

Virtual Class
G Suite Enterprise for Education
Live Streaming
G Suite Enterprise for Education
*1 TB till 5 users

Unlimited Storage

Record Meeting, automatically save to Drive, and then share the recordings


Get advanced analytics and security controls

Proactively manage your digital security to remediate threats. Plus get detailed analysis and reporting.

Classrooms & Assignments

Foster authentic thinking

Strengthen work and help students cite ideas with tools to promote originality.

Google Meet

Use video for enhanced learning

Take collaboration to the next level with digital classrooms and live streaming.

Support features

Dedicated Support

Solve problems faster from dedicated support specialists available 24x7.

Choose the edition that’s right for your institution

Getting Started

G Suite Enterprise for Education

Upgrade your digital environment with advanced security controls and enhanced collaboration tools to elevate teaching and learning.

Call 0-97600-50555 or mail@trafficdigital.in for details & Pricing